I met this girl on the Eurocupid dating site, and be careful because she is extremely convincing because she is really her, I have talked to her several times on video call.
Your Telegram contact is @Anasteishenkav
He is 25 years old, says the dentist, and is in Nova Kachovka. Her city is in the hands of the Russians, she's scared and wants to escape, so after a couplefor days she said she wanted to come to Italy with me, but the bus to get to the border with Poland is very expensive because it passes through the so-called "green corridors". 1500 euros, I send him and try to help her.
He arrives at the border and says that, according to martial law, he cannot leave the country. If he wants to do so, he must pay the Ukrainian state 12 monthly salaries. 1600 euros.
I ask him theevidence, he sends me the geolocation, he is at the border but at a certain point he changes and marks Kiev for me. My first wake-up call. I try to trust and send the money.
Another problem arises: he has to make a new identification code, and then a new passport. He goes to Lviv and needs the money to stay in a hostel. 600 euros for a seventhna. He then says he needs another week for the documents. Then I start to get fed up and accuse her of being a con artist. She says she's offended, crying. A friend in Kiev hosts her, but a couple of days later she says she has terrible back pain, she helped her friend move furniture. Physiotherapist, 500 euros.
Then one night, there is the missile alarm, he has to run to theshelter, but upon returning home the police fined him for the curfew.. 800 euros.
I ironize about her "misfortunes" that require a lot of money, and she says she doesn't want all this, that she wants to be happy with me and spend her life with me.
She is ready with the documents, we return to the border with Poland, but she has severe pains. Must go to hospital: inflammation in the appendixice. Operation from 1200 euros.
My confidence and fatigue is now at the limit, I treat her badly, I accuse her of everything, but she does not bend and continues to reiterate her good intentions, but now it is a bad nightmare, a joke that has gone on for more than a month. The final blow is that you have to wait a week to remove the stitches. He needs money for his stay at the Hotel, I will qthis point I have no more money. She sends me messages over and over, accusing me of abandoning her. He says he sleeps on the street, I try to resume the speech when he removes the stitches, and I have the definitive proof: in the message preview I read "Arturo, I'm really scared" and I understand that he is probably another victim. I block the contact and run here to report everything. I was naivei know, even though I thought it was enough to make sure it was really her, I could have believed him, but it's not like that. Now I have financial problems, I have used all my savings, but I will recover. I just hope he can't fool and scam anyone anymore.
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