Maria Lukash

Her pictures
The taxi form asking for EUR 1.200 in cash
First name
Last name
Pravdy St, 137, Donetsk, Donets'ka oblast, Oekraïne, 83000
+380 94 712 6997
Scam pattern

Contacted me on Tinder. Lives in Donetsk and wants to get out. Had a skype call with video. Saw her passport. Saw her live location in Donetsk. She has FB as well as Insta account dating back to 2020. What I could check, I have and looked good. Did send money to pay for taxi. Then there was the request for additional 1.200 euro to have on hand. Terminated the contact.

Samples of her messages

They said I'm to send to them the sum of 1200 cash before we embark on the Journey that's new policy due to the war that whosoever that want to cross the Eastern border of Ukraine must have or show them the sum of 1200 Euros and if I don't provide it they won't let me Pass

Hi, Im Mark and sent her  …

Hi, Im Mark and sent her  $100 steam card before i knew she was a scammer! Wants $1,000 to escape Ukraine and be with me.... lol, guess im  dumb, for sending her the steam card however, it could have hurt a lot more. Scan her picture into google lens and you'll also find she's on porn sites. Stay far away from this bitch!

Mark Stone (not verified)

Its true, all this…

Its true, all this.


Pedro de Silva (not verified)

She's german, lives on…

She's german, lives on Berlin

IG - anniisturm

Also has TikTok and YT channel

StealhAF (not verified)