And also Uralsk in Kazakhstan (Where her mother would live)
Sentimental scam. She falls in love very quickly,she really exists and it is her real photos. She communicates by email, and from time to time with the Telegram messaging with the account of her best friend Elena...I realized that it was a scam thanks to her driver's license and her identity card which are false...She had proposed to me to come to Kazakhstan with her husbande ,but I did not feel it too much , and there she told me that she was going to have 40 days of continuous leave,and she went to see an agency in Kazakhstan to take care of her visa, her passport and the flight for the plane,that she had already paid a deposit of 400 euros (although it does not even appear on the contract!!! which is also false)and she therefore asks me for 438 euros forhelp her pay the rest, in order to come and see me...)In addition, she tells me that in the price, she has the return plane ticket included, and that we can choose it when we want on the internet ,which is not even true ,because it is not even marked in her fake contract!!!!She is very strong because she sends photos of her real life,talks about her deceased father, her best friend ,dher everyday life.....In short I did not get scammed ,because she did not have any amount of money but she is very strong for manipulation, lies and false documents.....
My dear Stéphane!
I understood that you wanted to know how you could help me.
I was at the Bitcoin office and I have news. Looks like I found a way that will work 100%
I spoke to an employee at the Bitcoin office and explained the situation to him.
He said that recently this is a common situation and a lot of people in the world useis cryptocurrency.
Someone invests money in cryptocurrency. but for that, you have to carefully follow the course and devote a lot of time to it.
But most of the time, people use it to transfer money without restrictions and without big commissions.
I said I wasn't interested in investing.
He said thate in such a case, cryptocurrency is the right solution.
There are many types of cryptocurrencies. but he advised to use the most stable and popular. they are Bitcoins.
I asked how it worked and what I would need to do to do it.
It helped me understand the Bitcoin wallet you can transfer money to.
For this service, he will take a small percentage based on the amount I will receive.
If you transfer me 438 euros, I will pay a Commission of about 5 euros.
I will be able to cash that money out there in the Bitcoin office immediately.
He provided me with a personal wallet.
It was explained to me that this wallet can be replenishedborn from any country.
Now, bitcoin is no longer just a virtual currency, but a currency that already has its ability to pay when buying in everyday life.
Now there's even Bitcoinpay-an analogue of Applepay and GooglePay.
it is already in the phone install this app and pay by tapping the payment terminal into pay for the purchase in the supermarket itself.
I learned that you can buy Bitcoins on this site:
I am sending you the Bitcoin wallet number: " bc1qx53lhx2nfjvcndmtz2aarq5680jfg452hnhhfs "
On this site, you can buy a cryptocurrency for any amount.
You specify the amount you wantez buy cryptocurrency, choose Bitcoin cryptocurrency (BTC)
Next, you specify the number of my Bitcoin wallet in the "Wallet address" column.
Next, you choose the payment method. And in a few minutes, the transaction will be completed.
I will also give you my colleague's bank details if you choose to make a bank transfer.ncaire.
I'll send you the bank details you need.
First name: ANEL
bank account number: KZ48998PB00010542830
First Heartland Bank - Jysan Bank
Anel Address: Kazakhstan, 090005, Uralsk, Ivana Larina 7
Main bank address: Almaty, 050013, Nursultan Nazarbayev, 242
You must also specify a comment for transfer.
it is better to indicate a comment: "gift". This must be done to avoid tax. Otherwise, the tax will be charged 13%
My dear Stéphane, you cansend me the bank transfer details.
This will be a photo or a copy of the money transfer document to a bank account.
I will show it to the agency manager to start the document preparation process.
As soon as your money is in my colleague's bank account, I will immediately pay the money to the branch!
So, wes can start preparing documents faster for your trip home!
ozhem start quickly preparing the documents for the trip to you!
My dear, thank you for your care and support. I really appreciate it! I want to reciprocate as well.
When you are particularly sick and difficult, when you need understandingand support, I will always be by your side.
My breath will be yours. Thanks to you, we'll be together soon. We can never be separated because our feelings are real!
I really hope we'll get everything ready soon and I'll come see you!
You know we'll be together soon? my love?
I'm really looking forward to our competitiontre! I want to wake up next to you, hug you, kiss you, have sex with you!
I'm sure we'll meet and our relationships will strengthen and grow!
I want to have a future with you. laugh and cry with you, dance, sing, drink coffee, eat homemade food!
Share with you your fears and inadequaciesnces, what excites us, what makes us smile, what makes us angry, what stupid little things we do when we are nervous or excited.
I want to be able to share with you all that I am, and I want you to know that when you are with me, there will always be comfort and warmth next to you.
Do you want that with me? my loverr?
I will wait for your answer.
Your Nurgaisha