Ekaterina Fedorovna

Her pictures
vacation in Sochi last year in the summer during my holidays
running competition photos
interview with company director
mom is happy and rested
First name
Last name
Samples of her messages

Hello Howie

Thank you for your letter. I smiled when I saw your mail Howie :) Thank you for your photo. I'm glad
to receive this from you. Tell me more about you? When is your birthday? Your height? Your weight? Your zodiac sign?

I'm very tired today, it was a very long and hard day at work. By the way, I work as an accountant-auditor.

Today there was a server failure at the company. But I didn't waste time, because we have cabinets with documents.
I took a funny photo in the server room at lunch, I think you like it :) I also took a photo of these big
cabinets with documents, sometimes it seems to me that these folders will soon fall on someone's head :) hahaha

I live alone in my apartment, by the way. Tell me about your family? Thanks to my parents,
I received a good education. I have a higher education in economics. I always loved to study,
and even now sometimes I enjoy going to various forums about my work.
I think it's great to develop despite your age :) What do you think about this Howie?

Tell me about your experience on the Internet? You say you had one. Have you communicated
with Russian girls before? Why did you stop communicating?

I'll wait for your answer Howie, I'm very glad that we write to each other, I'll write to you as soon as
I see this in my mail. I'm planning to meet my sister. We want to prepare a surprise for our parents,
they'll be back from vacation soon. Ask me about everything that interests you. ok?

Hello Howie

How was your day Howie? I am glad to read your letter. Thank you for your reply and for
telling me about your family. I like getting to know you better every new day :)

I think I have already told you that this is a new experience for me, Howie. You are the first and
only guy I have started communicating with online.

I have a surprise for you Howie. I told you in my last letter that I am preparing a surprise for my parents.
I am sending you a video of me making vareniki. I think you will like it :) I love to cook. My sister filmed this video.

My sister says hi to you. I told her about our meeting online. My sister said that she was happy for me.
I had a long relationship with a man in Russia, but it ended unsuccessfully. I will tell you about it later,
when we get to know each other better. If you are interested. My sister asked to show her your photos.
I said that I would ask for special photos for you. Can you take special photos for my sister and parents?
I will wait :)

I want to introduce you to Russian cuisine, because it is very tasty and it has a lot of funny names for dishes.
For example, vareniki or pelmeni, in fact, they only differ in shape, but are considered different dishes.
Can you imagine? :) hahaha Solyanka, okroshka, cabbage rolls or herring under a fur coat salad and many more dishes,
which are very tasty. Have you heard of such dishes? What dishes do you like Howie?

My parents are returning from vacation. They went to a sanatorium. There they rested and went to medical procedures.
My parents inspire me. They did a lot for me, raised me and always helped with my studies.
My parents always support me and my sister. I love my parents very much.
They are very funny. As we grew older, we got along even better. My parents were raised in the USSR,
so they were strict with me and my sister when we were kids. Now I understand that it was right.
My sister is 3 years older than me. Her name is Liubov. She is married and has two daughters, Masha and Katya.
I hope you enjoy reading about my big family Howie :)

I hope I haven't tired you out with my stories Howie :)
I look forward to your reply and for me it always puts a smile on my face.


Hello Howie

I notice that I check my email more often. And you, Howie? I feel like I'm waiting for your letter all
day while I'm at work. :) You make me smile :) Thank you for the photo for my family. I think they will be happy. :)
I'll show them tomorrow. I'm glad you liked my video. :) I tried very hard when I made it.

I'm sending you a photo with my parents, I hope you like it, I took them when I met them after a vacation.
Don't pay attention, in the photo dad looks gloomy hahaha, because he's tired from the road, usually he's cheerful.
And mom is happy and rested. The other photo is at my parents' house. Do you like the photos? My dad loves taking photos,
and this is his hobby during his vacation, his camera is his second love :) By the way Howie, in the photo I am without makeup :)

Mom and Dad liked my surprise and we happily had vareniki for lunch. I told them about you.

They did not quite understand how we met, because they are not very tech-savvy.
Dad was distrustful. Mom said: "The main thing is that you like him and that he is a kind and good
man, we will always support you." I smiled :) Write me your phone number okay Howie?

I will be happy to cook Russian food for you in the future. I hope you will love it :)
By the way, hahaha don't think Howie, I do not eat vareniki every day, and this is rare, I wanted to please my parents.
But I love to eat well, although there are still many unhealthy foods with many harmful additives.
Along with my love for eating well, I also love to play sports. As a child, I did track and field,
I like running. As a child, I ran for the school team. In the spring and summer, our city hosts 5-10 km marathons.
I like to take part in them. I'll try to find a photo for you. Are you interested in seeing them? :)

Unfortunately, lately, due to work, I don't always have time to run every day. But I do it at least twice a week,
in any case. I try to replace running with walking to work and back home. I get up early
and walk to work. I love to walk, the way to my work goes through the city park.
Do you like to walk? Do you have a favorite place for walks? I would go for a walk with you Howie :)

I send you the music I listen to while running or on my way to work.


Tell me later if you liked Russian music? I'm also waiting for your phone number.

I'll wait for your answer Howie. I miss your letters. :)

Yours Ekaterina