I met Ilona on the website ukrainedate.com and after a while she asked me to continue getting to know each other on Telegram. She started asking me about my life, she was very sweet and understanding. Our acquaintance went on for 15 days. I have sent photos and videos in which he said my name and said good morning and goodnight. He didn't want to talk on video calls saying that his phone's camera was broken. He didn't want to use WhatsApp in any way. She started saying that she wanted to escape her country because being a (false) doctor she was forced by the Russians to work for them. She proposed that I send her 1500 euros to escape with a courier via the human corridors to Lviv. She was in a big hurry and I was naive to believe her. I only sent her 1000 euros, she said she left and arrived in Lviv. After two days he said he would take a bus to Krakow and then a flight to Rome. When she arrived at customs, however, she said she could not cross the border as she had been stopped because, without her knowledge, an ex-boyfriend of hers had asked for a loan of 5,000 euros from a bank and until I had paid that loan she would not have been able to leave the country. 'Ukraine. She sent metwo photos of her at customs inside the bus. And to my surprise in one the bus curtains were yellow and in another red. At that point I asked her to send me her location in real time. She obeyed and showed me her location at Polish customs. But he had tampered with the position (which can only be done on telegram) and in fact at a certain point his geolocation had a bug and showed me his true position, i.e. Mariupol. She was quick to delete it but she was now trapped. I told her that I would help her (obviously I wanted to see how far she would go) and I suggested that I go to her to pay the debt and take her away with me. Obviously she didn't accept with the most banal excuses and only insisted that I send her money via her credit card and reassuring me that there would be no further problems. She also sent me a copy of the bus tickets from Lviv to Krakow which were obviously fake because after checking I saw that at that time Prostobus was not operating the route she indicated. Truly sneaky and dangerous person. Luckily I noticed many things that didn't add up and many details from the photos you sent didn't correspond to reality. Stay away!!!