460014 - RUSSIA
Feelings scam!
This young woman, apparently so sweet and charming, was to come and join me in France during her holidays...
Request for €300 as a first step to pay part of the amount of the documents necessary for his departure. Request accepted...
Secondly, because of a visa refused because of debt relating to thepurchase of her apartment, a new request for €3,000 (sic!) to serve as a "deposit" to the bank, which would allow her to leave anyway... She tells me, with supporting documents, that this amount, equivalent to 25% of the amount remaining due from a state bank, would allow her to finally obtain her visa. After a long hesitation, I let myself be softened by her tears and effecthe had a transfer of €3,000 to the account of his "mother" in Kazakhstan (Ainura Abenova)!
Lack of luck (if you will...), this is obviously not enough and she is supposedly ordered to repay the entire debt, or €12,000, before December 27th! €9,000 is therefore missing. Request refused, I begin to have serious doubts... She gets from the "court"a deadline until January 10. She then tells me that she got a loan of €2,500 from her best friend "Olga", and begs me to help her for the missing €6,500, claiming that in the absence of repayment before January 10 her apartment will be seized and she will be thrown on the street (with photos of the sealing and the court's decision).
Quelqdays before this "fateful" date, her "mother" from Kazakhstan finally gets a loan of €2,500 by putting her house as collateral... Still missing about €4,000, which I am unable to give her anyway.
As I expected, by claiming that I may get a bank loan on my side by January 22 or 23, the "court" agrees to postponer due on January 25th...!
Unfortunately, I now believe that everything was false, and that this woman who seemed so adorable belongs to a very organized network of scammers, allowing her to create false documents at her convenience. However, I have had video footage (very short though), phone calls from Russia, and naturallies to countless photos. I still find it hard to believe that this person I thought I knew, who looked like an angel from heaven, was actually a demon straight out of hell! Unless she herself has been manipulated? I still have a lot of questions...
His letter of 22 December 2023...:
My love, I have some very bad news, I'm writing you a letter from my friend Olga,
Today, at 10 a.m., I went to a court hearing where the issue of my apartment was being decided. There was a court hearing today.
The judge was strict with me, he said it was mwho had tried to leave the country with a large debt, it is a strict violation of the law.
He said I knew I had a debt for an apartment loan and wanted to leave my country.
I was a debtor to the state and wanted to leave my country, which is against the laws of the Russian Federation.
I asked the judge to speak and Iwanted to explain the whole situation to him, that I met a man from France and we fell in love with each other,
I was going to join him in France just to meet him. Yes, I love her and we want to live together. But I didn't try to leave the country and not pay my debts.
After I return, I will pay my debt. I have a job in Russie. I'm not trying to leave the country in debt.
I showed my intentions, that I was not trying to cheat the bank and leave the country.
I did everything I could… but it didn't help me 100%
The court ruled that my apartment should be confiscated until the debt is paid.
The court gave me 5 days to pay thea debt if I do not pay the debt within 5 days. my apartment will be confiscated forever and I will not be able to return it.
I asked the judge to extend the debt repayment period, I said that my loved one would come to see me from France and help me repay the debt as soon as possible.
I told the judge that I needed time tosee getting money from France. But the judge was strict with me and made no concessions.
After the trial, the bailiffs came to my house and sealed my apartment, I took pictures for you,
now you can be sure that I will find myself without an apartment, now I will have to live with my friend Olga...
I was thrown onto the street like acourt dog. I don't know what to do Alain.... Now you understand the seriousness of my situation???
I found myself on the street, as I told you. What should I do now??? I won't be able to find that money. I cry in grief and can't calm down.
Alain, I can't find a place for myself, I found myself without my own appart, in which I have lived all my life.
I want to die now... I can't believe this happened to me... I found myself on the street...
I just wanted to be happy and fly for you to France, but fate decreed it, now I have a lot of problems and I don't have my own apartment...
I don't have an apartment or a job heret I can't fly up to you. What can I do?
I don't know what else to say... I love you, I wanted happiness, I wanted to fly to you in France, but now I have nothing...
Alain, I'm asking for your help... can you help me?
I'll wait for your reply...
I love you, Your Natalia