Aiganym Myngzhassar

Ses photos
Kazakhstan, 021309, Shalkar village, Shalkar district
Korgalzhyn, Bauyrzhana Momyshuly street, 31
Modèle d'arnaque

Scammers ask to send money to this account:


Bank to the beneficiary: JSC "Halyk Bank"
Recipient Name: Myngzhassar Aiganym
IBAN: KZ176010002038555415
Euro coin
Comment on payment: financial support
Bank address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, avenue
Al-Farabi, house 40.
My address: Kazakhstan, 021309, Shalkar village, Shalkar district
Korgalzhyn, Bauyrzhana Momyshuly street, 31

This lady is very good at…

This lady is very good at what she does, she will send you pictures of a young quite beautiful woman. You will fall for her then she will want to visit you first and book travel knowing that she cannot afford to, she does not ask you for money in a direct way but hints at it. All of the above information is correct, the only real information is for the bank, all the rest is fake.

Anton Smith (non vérifié)

This lady is very good at…

This lady is very good at what she does, she will send you pictures of a young quite beautiful woman. You will fall for her then she will want to visit you first and book travel knowing that she cannot afford to, she does not ask you for money in a direct way but hints at it. All of the above information is correct, the only real information is for the bank, all the rest is fake.

Anton Smith (non vérifié)